The perception of the most BCS candidates, BCS exam is a very tough exam. But you should realize that it is not a normal exam that will give you certificates. It is a very competitive job exam by which you will be an honorable cadre and lucrative job holder of Bangladesh government.
On the other hand, many candidates and people think that BCS exam is a very simple exam which syllabus is very similar to high school syllabus. It is true that there are a lot of similarities between them. BCS exams examine your basic Bangla, English, Math and Science knowledge that are needed for any job employee in Bangladesh.
But if you are a staunch supporter of this perception, then you should keep it mind that you have to be a BIG BOSS on these topics. I want to mean that you have to achieve the expertise similar to Dhaka board STAND student in this competitive exam. Because, most of the candidates are older, experienced and most probably serious than you.
The most important virtues that are needed for a BCS candidate are:-
1. Positive mind
2. Damn care attitude to negative talk and negative people
3. Dedication
4. Patience
5. Regularity
6. Hard working
7. Consciousness about the current world.
There is not genius virtue are needed for a BCS candidate. Actually, BCS exam examine these virtues of you which are needed for any government job employee of Bangladesh.
All time motivate yourself with positive matters and regular encourage your mind like charging your mobile phone !!!
All students have different methods and techniques to take preparation for the same exam. You should follow your own rules of study. Here, we are only discussing according the experiences of ours and successful candidates. If you like any of the techniques then blend it with your own methods and techniques.
As we mention before that you have to BIG BOSS in the topics of BCS exam. Many candidates take preparation for a short period. But you have to be lucky if you want to successful by preparing for a short time. Yes, many of your near people have get success by preparing for a short time. But, most probably they did not tell you about their long time preparation. May be, the candidates have good basic knowledge about BCS exam topics. May be, they are private tutors who have regular practice about BCS exam topics. May be, they have prepared for IELTS, TOEFL, MBA admission test, GRE exam, GMAT exam, Bank and other job recruitment exams.
Actually, we mentioned these because all these preparation help the candidates to advance to take BCS exam preparation.
If you want to take serious preparation then you should oblige these matters:-
# Firstly, thoroughly write the topics of all subjects of preliminary, written and viva exam.
# Then see the common topics of various subjects. You want or do not want to read but you must be expert on these common topics.
# Various topics are differently easy or hard for various candidates. You firstly finish the topics in which you are well or easy to learn for you.
# When you start to study the hard topics then first study the important topics. After that you should study the less important topics.
# Never boggle your mind with very hard but less important topics.
# Never try to be an ENCYCLOPEDIA. You do not need to enter too deep in any topics except science course. If you do that then you may lose in the deep hole.
# Math is very important for both in preliminary and written exam. You should catch all numbers in math.
# Science is the determining subject both in preliminary and written exam. If you do not study well this subject for preliminary exam then it will be very tough for you when you will take preparation for written exam.
# Although the topics of Bangla Literature is hard and boring, But it is very important topics in preliminary, written and also in Viva exam.
# You have to good in English vocabulary.
# You should conscious about the current affairs of Bangladesh and current world.
You want or do not want, but regular join in all first class and second class standard job exams of Bangladesh government, Bank recruitment exams, other job recruitment exams, competitive MBA, MBM, etc admission tests. These will give you the opportunities to interact with other serious candidates. You will be able to amend your mistakes by these exams. At least you will sit in reading room for few days for the exams.